Our Academy


Through believing in ourselves, in others and in God, we STRIVE for life in all its fullness.


Our school aims at Bluecoat Primary are communicated to the children through the use of the acronym STRIVE.  Based on Jesus’ words in John 10:10, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”, we talk to the children about “Striving for life in all its fullness”. This is represented by our STRIVE hand which is used all around school.



We set ourselves challenges and celebrate our successes


Take Care

We take care of ourselves, of others and the world



We try, try, try again.



We do the right thing, even when no one is watching.



We invest in ourselves by developing our character traits of, faith, health, relationships, ambitions, self- awareness, adventurousness and creativity.



We engage to be part of something special to make a difference.


How do we achieve this aim at Bluecoat Primary?

  • Teachers know their children well and plan lessons that build on the children’s prior knowledge and enable them to reach the next stage of their learning.
  • Work is differentiated to offer a level of challenge to all learners.
  • Personal feedback is used to help children to develop their understanding further and challenge themselves to set targets for themselves.
  • Children who are finding work challenging are supported during lessons and through intervention with an adult

We celebrate our successes in and out of school in the following ways:

  • Praise is used generously each and every day.  Our behaviour policy is based around focusing on the positives and staff are always looking for children who are being successful.
  • In class, children can be moved onto the gold traffic light in recognition of their successes.
  • All classes choose a child to be ‘star of the day’ this could be for academic or social successes.
  • Parents are encouraged to sign up to the SeeSawApp so that the teachers can send examples of amazing work children have completed
  • Children can be awarded a success award in our STRIVE celebration assembly on a Friday.
  • Children can earn ‘stand out moments’ around school when they are seen successfully following our school rules and aims
  • Children are given the opportunity to talk about their successes outside of school.

Take Care

How do we achieve this aim at Bluecoat Primary Academy?

  • Daily acts of worship are used to explore the impact we have on others and how we can show care and compassion towards others.
  • Children are encouraged to work collaboratively.
  • PSHE sessions help children to reflect on their actions and impact.
  • Children generally behave very well towards each other.
  • When children do fall out, we use restorative justice techniques to resolve conflicts, help children learn from their mistakes and demonstrate forgiveness.
  • Children in our school council have begun looking for ways that we can recycle more.
  • Across school we raise funds for various local, national and global charities
  • Children can be nominated for a weekly take care award


How do we achieve this aim at Bluecoat Primary Academy?

  • Children are encouraged to take risks in their learning.
  • We regularly look at our mistakes as ways to enhance our learning.
  • Children are praised for their efforts and the learning process rather than just their outcomes and achievements.
  • Children can be nominated for a resilience award.


How do we achieve this aim at Bluecoat Primary Academy?

  • We have a clear set of rules that are displayed throughout school. These rules are displayed on our Integrity finger. At Bluecoat Primary, we are kind, respectful and careful.
  • Children are praised and rewarded for modelling good behaviours,
  • Role models are identified throughout school and called upon to model desired behaviours to the rest of the school.
  • Children who do not follow the school rules are move down on our behaviour traffic light and may receive a sanction. This is also followed by a Restorative Justice conversation so that the child can learn from their mistakes and be successful in the future when faced with a similar situation.
  • Children who show excellent behaviour can be nominated for a three weekly integrity award.


How do we achieve this aim at Bluecoat Primary Academy?

At Bluecoat Primary Academy, we are committed to developing the whole child, preparing them to be responsible and engaged citizens. To achieve this, we have identified seven key characteristics that we aim to instil in our children before they leave our school. These seven character traits form our Character Curriculum. 

To discover more about our Character Curriculum, click here.

We encourage children to develop a sense of faith, fostering their spiritual growth and understanding of diverse beliefs.

We emphasize the importance of physical and mental health, teaching children healthy habits and self-care practices.

We help children build strong, positive relationships through empathy, communication, and teamwork skills

We inspire children to set and pursue their goals, nurturing their aspirations and drive for success.

We cultivate self-awareness in children, enabling them to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and emotions.

We promote a spirit of adventurousness, encouraging children to take risks, explore new ideas, and embrace challenges.

We foster creativity by providing opportunities for children to express themselves and think innovatively.


How do we achieve this aim at Bluecoat Primary Academy?

  • Children are encouraged to engage with each other within and outside of lessons
  • Each class elects two school council representatives.  The school council enables students to have a voice and make decisions for the school.
  • Older children are given the opportunity to support younger children and take on responsibilities within the school (For example: play leaders, Believe Time leaders, lunchtime helpers).
  • All children are encouraged to take an interest in the world around them and their ideas are always valued and encouraged.
  • Children are encouraged to be active learners who really apply themselves and challenge themselves to take their learning to the next stage.
  • Children who stand out for engage in their learning or engaging well in school can be nominated for a weekly engage award.

Contact Us

Bluecoat Academy Primary
Harvey Road

E-mail: primary@bluecoat.uk.com
Tel: 0115 900 7200

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Bluecoat Primary Academy