Bluecoat Primary is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, safeguarding policies can be found in our policies section.
Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.
We actively support the Government’s Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Miss Kathryn Brown. Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Sue-Ellen Shaw (Head Teacher) and our Assistant Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mr Ben Jackson (Deputy Head), Mrs Monchih Ponty (SENCo), Daniel Oyston (Assistant Head Teacher), Mrs Stacey Kieran (Behaviour Learning Mentor) and Mrs Laura Baldet (Family Support Worker).
Our Academy Advisory Board member with responsibility for safeguarding in our school is Mrs. Sally MacDonald.
To contact them please phone school on 0115 900 7200 or email
The Bluecoat Primary School Safeguarding Contact is-
Sue-Ellen Shaw- Headteacher –
Kathryn Brown –Associate Senior Lead: DSL/Mental Health Designated Safeguarding Lead –
If you need to contact Family and Children Services or report a concern the number is 0115 8765600
The Family Support Worker Role
The Family Support Worker role at Bluecoat Primary Academy is to provide support, advice and information to the families within our school community. The Family Support Worker can help you with any worries that you may have in relation to your child’s education, behaviour and wellbeing they are also here as someone to talk to if you need it.
Advice and support is confidential although concerns relating to the safeguarding of children will always be dealt with in accordance with the school’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.
Support for families includes:
- providing information and signposting to other services in the local area
- liaising with a range of external services such as health, housing and Social Care
- assistance in completing paperwork and forms e.g. housing, school places and benefits
- advice and support in promoting positive behaviour management at home
- guidance with career and personal development and access to training and parent workshops in school
- regular coffee morning to pop in and have an informal chat and meet other parents
Cost of Living Advice and Guidance Resource
The UK is facing a severe cost of living crisis. In recent months, we have all experienced significant financial pressures – rising energy, fuel, food, and water prices to name only a few instances where inflation is driving costs up.
The financial challenge is unlikely to come to an end quickly as economic predictions see prices continuing to rise through the autumn and winter – precisely the same time where we need to heat our homes.
We know that this financial crisis will significantly impact a huge number of us. We also know that although we are all in the same storm, we are not necessarily in the same boat. The challenge will disproportionately impact some of us more than others. It is therefore our responsibility as the Archway Learning Trust family to respond together. We know that we’re stronger when we build deep, supportive, and interconnected community.
As one element of our Archway Learning Trust response, we have produced the guide below.
The guide is not designed to be prescriptive or exhaustive but we hope it will provide a helpful staring point. Most of the document provides information about national schemes and support agencies. However, the attachment at the end of the resource details local support services in your area.
ALT Advice And Guidance Resource (community)
How to get in touch:
The Family Support is usually around on the playground in the mornings so feel free to come and have a chat, or alternatively you can leave a message with reception and they will get in touch to agree a suitable time to meet with you.
Contact Us
Bluecoat Academy Primary
Harvey Road
Tel: 0115 900 7200