Bluecoat Primary Church of England Academy
The Archway Learning Trust in liaison with the Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham, the Department for Education and Nottingham City Local Authority supports Bluecoat Primary Academy. Bluecoat Primary Academy offers primary education from age 3-11. The Academy is both distinctively Christian and inclusive. It is clear about its Christian ethos whilst welcoming children of other faiths or no faith. The Academy primarily serves families who wish their children to receive education within a Christian framework in which religious education, acts of worship and the spiritual life of the Academy are in accordance with the principles and practice of the Church of England. Families are advised that children are expected to participate in daily acts of worship and to receive a full religious education.

“Through believing in ourselves, in others and in God, we STRIVE for life in all its fullness.”
Admission Arrangements 2024-2025 (In-Year Admissions)
For In-Year admissions 2024-2025, please see the determined admission arrangements below. Applications for In-year admissions should be made directly to the academy. For further information on making and In-Year application see the How to Apply Page.
Bluecoat Primary Academy Determined Admission Arrangements for 2024-2025
Admission Arrangements 2025-2026 (Reception Intake September 2025)
Admissions to Bluecoat Primary Academy are carried out as part of the home authority’s coordinated scheme. The determined admissions arrangements for Bluecoat Primary Academy 2025-2026 are available below. For further information on making an application see the How to Apply page. For families who would like to take a look around the academy information can be found on the Visits and Tours page.