All school uniform can be purchased from our supplier Just Schoolwear by clicking here- or via the picture of a jumper in the top right hand corner of our website.
If you child is starting with us in either the Nursery or Reception as part of our September intake we can help with the expenses towards our Academy uniform if you are eligible for income-based Free Academy Meals.
If you are eligible for Free Academy Meals, you will be entitled to a Uniform Bundle. The uniform bundle includes a PE Kit, Bag, Polo shirt, Sweatshirt / Cardigan and reading folder.
Uniform Prices
Item | Price |
Polo shirt | £6.50 |
Sweatshirt | £8.95 |
Cardigan | £9.95 |
Polar fleece | £12.95 |
T-shirt | £3.95 |
PE kit | £11.50 |
Book bag | £4.75 |
Plimsolls | £5.95 |
PE bag | £3.95 |