Bluecoat Primary Academy is a highly successful, Church of England Academy in the heart of Nottingham, with Bluecoat itself being associated with more than 300 years of proud history in the city. At Bluecoat Primary Academy, we have more than 450 children in Reception through to Year 6.
If you have been unsuccessful in your application to Bluecoat Primary Academy, please refer to the appropriate section below. Information on appealing will differ depending on whether you are appealing for a Reception admission next September or an in-year admission (during the current academic year). Please ensure you read the section relevant for your individual circumstances.
Documents and Forms
How to submit an in-year appeal?
If you have been unsuccessful in your application to Bluecoat Primary Academy for a place in in-year (Reception – Year 6), and wish to appeal this decision. Appeals must be submitted in writing F.A.O Independent Appeals Panel Clerk, and be sent directly to the academy. Where possible appeals should be submitted within 20 school days from the date of notification of the outcome of your application.
An appeal can be in the form of an email or letter attached to a ‘Bluecoat Primary In-Year Appeal Form’ which can be downloaded from this page (Linked above). Details in the appeal must include; child’s name, date of birth, sex, full address as well as parent/carers name, relationship to child, contact number and email address. Alternatively, a paper copy of the appeal form can be collected from the academy or posted on request, please email the academy or call 0115 900 7200 to request a form, providing your address and contact details. Please see below details for submitting your appeal, to be read alongside the privacy notice in relation to the submission of an appeal.
Post: F.A.O Independent Appeals Panel Clerk, c/o Archway Learning Trust, Aspley Lane, Nottingham, NG8 5GY
Timetable for In-Year Appeals 2024-2025
If you have been unsuccessful in your application to Bluecoat Primary Academy for a place in-year the following timetable will apply for any appeals.
Appeal Deadline – 20 school days from the date of the decision letter.
Appeal Hearing – Appeals will then be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
Notification of Appeal Hearing – You will receive at least 10 school days notice of the date and time of your appeal hearing.
Submission of Additional Documentation – If you have additional information you wish to be considered after you have submitted your appeal, this must be sent F.A.O the clerk to independent appeal panel at least 5 school days before the date of the appeal hearing. The address for the Clerk is set out on the appeal form and above. If you do not submit it by this deadline, the panel does not have to consider it as per paragraph 2.7 of the School Admission Appeal Code 2022.
Notification of Outcome – The decision of the panel will be communicated within 5 school days of the hearing. In the case of multiple appeals this will be within 5 school days of the last hearing.
Please read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) tab below which contains useful information on the appeals process and the Trust’s statement in relation to GDPR and the processing of appeal information.
Information on appeals including a timeline for the Reception 2025 Intake will be published here by 28 February 2025. If you have any questions in the meantime please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Please read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) tab below which contains useful information on the appeals process and the Trust’s statement in relation to GDPR and the processing of appeal information.
Please read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) tab below which contains useful information on the appeals process and the Trust’s statement in relation to GDPR and the processing of appeal information.
Appeals need to be submitted in writing directly to the school. An appeal can be in the form of an email, letter or completed ‘BPA Appeals Form’. Details in the appeal must include; child’s name, date of birth, gender, full address as well as parent/carers name, relationship to child, contact number and email address. Please see below details for sending your appeal.
Post: F.A.O Independent Appeals Panel Clerk, c/o Archway Learning Trust, Aspley Lane, Nottingham, NG8 5GY
How long do I have to lodge my appeal?
If you have been unsuccessful in your application for a place at Bluecoat Primary Academy and wish to appeal this decision, you should prepare and lodge your appeal within 20 school days of receiving the notification letter informing you of the outcome of your application.
Who are the Independent Appeals Panel & Panel Clerk?
The independent appeals panel are a group of people who are independent of the local authority, the academies admission authority and the academy itself and are appointed by the admission authority to hear appeals in accordance with the School Admission and Appeals Code. The Code determines that the panel is made up of lay persons and people with experience of education. In most cases the panel will comprise of three persons, and at least one must be a lay person and at least one must be experienced in education. The Independent Appeals Panel Clerk is an individual appointed by the admissions authority to ensure that the admission appeal process is conducted properly, and in accordance with the Code of Practice for School Admission Appeals.
What types of additional supporting documentation should I submit with my appeal?
It is for you to decide what information and documents you wish to include in your case. However, if your appeal is based on medical grounds, you should, where possible, provide written evidence from a medical practitioner to support this. If your case is based on a house move you should provide official confirmation of your new address. The Appeal Panel will not contact people on your behalf, for example; if you want the Appeal Panel to see a medical report or consider the views of a Social Worker or a previous teacher you will need to obtain the information yourself and submit it as part of your appeal. Please refrain from submitting original documents that you wish to keep as these will not be returned to you. If you submit information or photographs that include other children please make sure that you have parental approval and that you are not in breach of any data protection rights. Information that you submit will need to be photocopied so it can be submitted to the Appeal Panel. It is your responsibility to ensure that any documentation you are submitting is clear and can be easily copied. Supporting information or additional evidence must be received by the evidence deadline which will be provided to you. Any information received after the stated evidence deadline might not be considered as part of your case. It will be the Appeal Panel’s decision whether or not it should accept any late information.
When and how will I be made aware of the decision of my appeal?
The decision of the panel will be communicated to you in writing within 5 school days of the hearing. However, in the case of multiple appeals this will be within 5 school days of the last hearing.
How will the information I submit be processed?
This information will be stored securely and is subject to the UK GDPR 2016 as well as The Data Protection Act 2018. All information collected is confidential and may only be accessed by those with a valid lawful basis to use it. We may share the information you provide with trusted third parties such as the Local Authority, Independent Appeals Panel Clerk, members of the appeal panel and the Education & Skills Funding Agency (EFSA) where necessary to fulfil legal obligations. Your personal data will be retained for no longer than necessary to achieve the intended purpose. If you withdraw consent for the processing defined in this form we will stop processing it in this way but may still retain the data for other reasons, such as where it is needed to perform a public task or to fulfil our legal obligations. For further information, please see our ALT Data Protection FOI Policy available at