Parents and Carers

The School Day

We look forward to welcoming all the children back on Monday, 2nd September 2024

For those of you with children starting in Reception, please note the following important information:

  • New Reception Students: If your child is new to our school, Monday, 2nd September 2024 will be a part-time day. Please ensure your child attends their designated session:
  • Peacocks: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
  • Flamingos: 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM
  • Returning Reception Students (from Nursery): If your child is joining Reception from our Nursery, they will start full-time on Monday, 2nd September.

If your child will be joining our Nursery this year, please note the following schedule:

  • Home Visits: Home visits are scheduled from Monday, 2nd September to Wednesday, 4th September. You should have already received your allocated time slot.
  • Nursery Sessions Sign-Up: During your home visit, you will have the opportunity to sign up for either a morning or afternoon session for your child. These sessions will take place from Thursday, 5th September to Wednesday, 13th September.
  • Full-Time Nursery Start Date: Your child will begin attending Nursery full time starting on Thursday, 14th September 2024.

We are excited to welcome back all our students and look forward to an exciting and successful year ahead.

ClassYearEnter ViaLeave ViaDrop Off TimePick Up Time
DucklingsNurseryClassroom DoorsClassroom Doors8.45am2:55pm
PeacocksReceptionClassroom DoorsClassroom Doors8.40am3.10pm
FlamingosReceptionClassroom DoorsClassroom Doors8.40am3.10pm
PuffinsYear 1Classroom DoorsClassroom Doors8.40am3.10pm
PenguinsYear 1Classroom DoorsClassroom Doors8.40am3.10pm
HummingbirdsYear 2Classroom DoorsClassroom Doors8.40am3.10pm
KingfishersYear 2Classroom DoorsClassroom Doors8.40am3.10pm
EaglesYear 3Children enter at the back fire exit and stairwellFront fire exit near the main gate.08.40am3.10pm
OwlsYear 3Children enter at the back fire exit and stairwellFront fire exit near the main gate.08.40am3.10pm
ParrotsYear 4Children gather on the MUGA at the start of the day where their teacher will greet them and bring them into school via back fire exit.Hall fire exit leaving onto KS1/KS2 playground.08.40am3.10pm
ToucansYear 4Children gather on the MUGA at the start of the day where their teacher will greet them and bring them into school via back fire exit.Hall fire exit leaving onto KS1/KS2 playground.08.40am3.10pm
EmusYear 5Children gather on the MUGA at the start of the day where their teacher will greet them and bring them into school via back fire exit.Back fire exit08.40am3.10pm
KiwisYear 5Children gather on the MUGA at the start of the day where their teacher will greet them and bring them into school via back fire exit.Back fire exit08.40am3.10pm
FalconsYear 6Children gather on the MUGA at the start of the day where their teacher will greet them and bring them into school via back fire exit.Back fire exit08.40am3.10pm
OspreysYear 6Children gather on the MUGA at the start of the day where their teacher will greet them and bring them into school via back fire exit.Back fire exit08.40am3.10pm
NestNestNest DoorsNest Doors8.40am - 8.50am3.00pm-3.10pm

Contact Us

Bluecoat Academy Primary
Harvey Road

Tel: 0115 900 7200

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Bluecoat Primary Academy