The School Day

The School Day

Please see table below for our current pick up and drop off arrangements:

ClassYearEnter ViaLeave ViaDrop Off TimePick Up Time
DucklingsNurseryClassroom DoorsClassroom Doors8.50am2.55pm
PeacocksReceptionClassroom DoorsClassroom Doors8.50am2.55pm
FlamingosReceptionClassroom DoorsClassroom Doors8.50am2.55pm
PuffinsYear 1Classroom DoorsClassroom Doors8.50am2.55pm
PenguinsYear 1Classroom DoorsClassroom Doors8.50am2.55pm
HummingbirdsYear 2Classroom DoorsClassroom Doors8.50am2.55pm
KingfishersYear 2Classroom DoorsClassroom Doors8.50am2.55pm
EaglesYear 3Puffins’ ClassroomPuffins’ Classroom08.40am3.10pm
OwlsYear 3Penguins’ ClassroomPenguins’ Classroom08.40am3.10pm
ParrotsYear 4Kingfishers’ ClassroomKingfishers’ Classroom08.40am3.10pm
ToucansYear 4Hummingbirds’ ClassroomHummingbirds’ Classroom08.40am3.10pm
EmusYear 5Children gather on the MUGA at the start of the day where their teacher will greet them and bring them into school via back fire exit.Back fire exit (near vehicle gate)08.40am3.10pm
KiwisYear 5Children gather on the MUGA at the start of the day where their teacher will greet them and bring them into school via back fire exit.Back fire exit (near vehicle gate)08.40am3.10pm
FalconsYear 6Children gather on the MUGA at the start of the day where their teacher will greet them and bring them into school via back fire exit.Front fire exit (near vehicle gate)08.40am3.10pm
OspreysYear 6Children gather on the MUGA at the start of the day where their teacher will greet them and bring them into school via back fire exit.Front fire exit (near vehicle gate)08.40am3.10pm
NestNestNest DoorsNest Doors8.40am - 8.50am3.00pm-3.10pm

Contact Us

Bluecoat Academy Primary
Harvey Road

Tel: 0115 900 7200

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Bluecoat Primary Academy