Key Information


SEND Information Report and School Local Offer 2024-25

Welcome to the Bluecoat Primary Academy’s SEND Information Report for learners with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). All governing and advisory bodies of academy schools have a legal duty under the revised SEND Code of Practice (2014) to publish information on their website about the implementation of their policy for students with SEND.

What kinds of Special Educational Needs does the academy make provision for?
Bluecoat Primary is proud of its diversity. It places great emphasis on its unique and varied community of learners. Everyone, regardless of faith, ability, ethnicity or background is valued and nurtured.

We cater for students in the four broad areas of need:
• Cognition and Learning (C&L)
• Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties (SEMH)
• Communication and Interaction (C&I)
• Sensory and Physical needs

Bluecoat Primary Academy has a comprehensive Inclusion and Disability Policy, which is regularly reviewed and incorporates advice and procedures recommended by Nottingham City Local Authority (LA). The academy has a historically close relationship with the LA and this collaborative partnership has developed our inclusive ethos further.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
In the spirit of the SEND Code of Practice and latest research, we support the idea that high quality teaching, adapted for individual students, is the first step in responding to students who have or may have SEND. Teachers adapt their planning to enable all students to access the curriculum at a suitable level. This is done through objective adaptations, additional scaffolding and/or additional or different resources. Teaching assistants offer support to specific individuals and small groups within the classroom to aid them in accessing the work. The school curriculum is designed in a spiral manner so that skills and knowledge are built on term by term, year on year. The emphasis is on a ‘keep up, not catch up’ curriculum. Teaching staff may also lead small group interventions. Occasionally it is appropriate to offer separate group or one to one interventions away from the classroom.

How will I know how the academy supports my child?
Students on roll at Bluecoat Primary Academy with SEND are recorded on the school’s SEND register. The register identifies individual students and highlights their specific needs. The register is the responsibility of the SENCo. The SENCo has the responsibility of updating and sharing information from the register with parents and those professionals working within the academy. Working together, the class staff members and SENCo seek to identify the needs of students with SEND as early as possible. This is most effectively done by gathering information from parents, health/care services and previous nursery and school settings prior to the child’s entry into the academy. Assessments from Nottingham City Routes 2 Inclusion (R2i) Pathway are also used to gather vital information at this point.

Additional students are added to the register when:
• Information from outside agencies is recorded and shows students require additional and different from support
• Phonics Screening Test results are analysed
• End of Key Stage 1 and 2 results are analysed
• Termly summative assessments scores are analysed
• Individual teaching staff identify students from classroom work, behaviour patterns, observations and on-going assessments
• Pupil Progress meetings between staff identify children significantly behind their age related expectations and making little or no progress

In the first instance, class teachers will discuss their concerns with parents. The Phase Leader will initially become involved. If the concern remains despite targeted intervention, the SENCo will then become involved, and the child will be added to the Special Educational Needs Register. Parents are informed in writing and can expect regular informal feedback from class teams and more formal discussions through parent’s evenings and/or reviews. Parents will always have an input in the setting and reviewing of these IEP targets and their views recorded. It is also important to include the child in this process and gain their views if appropriate.

All Educational, Health and Care (EHC) Plans are reviewed annually. This gives the opportunity to consider whether the EHC Plan is still appropriate and to review the progress the pupil has made over the previous period. Other relevant professionals will be invited to these meetings to provide an external view on a pupil’s progress and to provide advice and guidance if necessary.

How are decisions made about how much support my child will receive?
We use our professional judgement to ensure that funding is distributed to have the greatest impact on our students with SEND. We regularly review this to ensure maximum effectiveness and efficiency. We strive to ensure equity, transparency and clarity within the academy and ensure this clarity allows all staff to understand the allocation of resources and to assist in their decision making process.

The majority of SEND funding is spent on additional support staff. The bulk of this funding comes from the central academy budget, with additional funding provided by the Local Authority ‘top up’ for students with high level needs. Specialist equipment and resources are considered on an annual basis and appropriate funding requests are submitted to the academy. Additional resources can be requested or bid for from external agencies but these resources are finite and dependent on specific criteria.

Subject Leaders in school have children with SEND at the forefront of their mind when looking at their subject area. Together with the class teacher, they will ensure there are suitable support strategies in place for all their lessons. This could be in the form of additional or specific resources, visual aids, an alternative means of recording, use of signs and symbols or pre/post teaching sessions.

For those children with sensory difficulties, we have a range of provisions children can use to help them self-regulate. These include a sensory room, dark tents, sensory circuits, ear defenders, wobble cushions, fidget toys and increased sensory diet. Needs are specific to individuals and school is led by individual needs and the support and advice of Occupational Therapists and the IES Autism Team.

How will I know how my child is doing?
Your child’s progress and attainment is shared with you in a variety of ways, including:
• informal daily contact with the staff in your child’s class
• a home/school communication book if appropriate
• Seesaw communication app
• Parent’s evenings where progress of IEP targets will be discussed
• SEN Reviews / Multi-Agency meetings
• annual reviews for EHC plans
• annual reports

Bluecoat Primary Academy adopts an open door policy and parents are welcome to telephone to make an appointment with the class teacher, SENCo or Key Stage Leads at a mutually convenient time to discuss any aspect of their child’s education. If parents do not feel their concerns are being met, they can then make an appointment to speak to the Assistant Heads, Head of School or Executive Head Teacher.

What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?
The academy has a variety of ways of supporting your child’s wellbeing. These include:
• a safe and calm environment with structured and organised learning opportunities
• opportunities for pupil voice to be heard
• each teacher has a knowledge and understanding of pupils in their care
• teaching assistants may offer additional support to specific individuals or small groups
• those who need more emotional and/or social support via additional/simplified verbal explanations, visuals and/or social stories
• behaviour support strategies including in-class support or advice from SENCo and/or Learning Behaviour Mentors
• access to social skills groups (Circle of Friends for example)
• lunch time support
• in-school interventions which may include 1-1 or small group work with our teaching assistants, SENCo, Family Support Worker, and/or Behaviour Learning Mentors
• signposting to external agencies to support the wellbeing of the child, such as a referral to CAMHS, SALT or OT.
• student’s medical needs are addressed in accordance with the statutory guidance on supporting pupils in schools with medical conditions, and medicines are administered in line with the academy’s Medicine policy
• referral to support from Mental Health Support Team (MHST)
• referral to in-house ELSA programme to support emotional and social skills difficulties
• specialist support if a pupil is a Looked After Child (LAC) through appropriate agencies such as Social Care and their Foster Care Team, Virtual School and/or the Independent Reviewing Officer that holds the LAC reviews
• students who have specific medical needs will have an Intimate Care Plan or Health Care Plan as appropriate

We recognise that parents and/or carers know their child the best and encourage you to contact the class teacher, SENCo or Head of School if you have any concerns.

My child has a medical condition, how will their needs be met?
If a child requires prescribed medication, parents/carers will be asked to complete a consent form outlining details of the dose/frequency and duration of the medication required. Once this is completed, staff can administer any prescribed medication which has the dispensing label on. Two staff will administer medication; one staff member to observe and one to administer who will have completed training provided by an appropriately registered body and follow DfE guidelines included within ‘Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions’ Statutory guidance for governing bodies of maintained schools and proprietors of academies in England February 2014

How accessible is the school environment?
At Bluecoat Primary we are fortunate to be housed in modern premises, which are fully accessible. There is levelled access to all areas of the school on the ground floor, with a lift alongside the stairs to access the first floor. There are several accessible toilets on both floors, one with a hoist and changing facilities and another with a wet/dry toilet. We currently have one disabled parking space within school grounds for staff use and four spaces in front of the main entrance gates.

What support is there for behaviour, avoiding exclusion and increasing attendance?
We have a positive approach to behaviour management with a clear behaviour pathway and policy that is followed by all staff and students. We follow a restorative justice approach to behaviours, allowing incidents to be dealt with in a constructive manner and then moving on.

There are consequences for poor behaviour, which are outlined in the academy behaviour policy. As well as losing rewards, students can receive sanctions such as moving down the traffic light system, loss of play time, detentions, reflection in a parallel classroom, isolation from class or fixed term exclusions. All incidents of inappropriate behaviour are logged so that a pattern can be seen.

However, if a student is falling significantly behind their peers, and their behaviour is affecting their learning or the learning of others, then additional support will be provided. School has a comprehensive behaviour support pathway which clearly identifies a graduated approach towards behaviour under the categories of universal, universal plus, targeted and specialist support.

Attendance is monitored by the attendance lead in school who will liaise with parents, teaching staff, children’s services and the local authority Education Welfare Officer. In their work to increase attendance they can support parents/carers to manage the issues surrounding their child’s attendance at school and can support with referrals to outside agencies.

The Education Welfare Officer helps parents/carers manage their child’s attendance at school; oversees legal action against parents/carers whose children do not attend school and helps liaise with outside agencies that can support families in more difficult situations.

The class teacher, SENCo, Behaviour Lead, Behaviour and Learning Mentors, Family Support Workers and members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) work with students when their learning is affected by their behaviour, providing emotional support, signposting to sources of guidance and advice, liaising with external agencies, overseeing action plans and/or arranging alternative provision.

The class teacher, SENCo, Behaviour Learning Support Mentors, Behaviour Lead and members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) work with students whose behaviour is affecting the learning of other students, to help them develop skills for understanding and managing their emotions, social and mental health for supporting learning at school.

Figures for suspensions (previously referred to as fixed term exclusions) of students at Bluecoat Primary Academy are above national averages due to the size and complex cohort. Suspensions are seen very much as a last resort. Students are supported back into school by staff following any period of exclusion. For students with SEND, senior leadership will liaise carefully with the SENCo and will make a decision with regard to any SEND the student may have. A decision to exclude a student with SEND is always taken very carefully and will be the last resort after alternatives have been tried and failed.

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?
Wherever possible we will endeavour to include all children in all activities regardless of whether they take place in or out of school. The benefit of the activity to the student, and adult-child ratios focusing on pupil safety will be considered at all times in any decision making processes regarding this.

Each term we consider the accessibility needs of our whole environment within a Health, Safety and Security Policy. There are child specific risk assessments carried out linked to individual children with SEND.

In addition to this, in all we do, we consider the needs of our pupils with SEND alongside all pupils E.g. visits, trips, access to additional activities/experiences. In this way we attempt to ensure that pupils with SEND are not treated less favourably than others.

What training are the staff supporting SEND given?
An on-going programme of Continuing Professional Learning (CPL) training is in place to ensure that all teachers and support staff have appropriate skills and knowledge to support provision for students with SEND.

Our SENCo actively engages in a range of opportunities to share best practice and keep abreast of current local and national initiatives and policy to support students with SEND. Teaching staff seek support and guidance from the SENCo as required.

The academy also seeks advice and guidance from the local authority’s support services (Educational Psychologists, Learning Support Team, Autism Team, Physical and Sensory Team, Behaviour Support Team, R2i team)and other relevant agencies to help school staff meet the needs of your child to review, evaluate and develop provision for students who have the most complex needs.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?
Local Authority Provision that can be accessed through school:
• Educational Psychology Service
• Sensory Service for children with visual or learning needs
• Ask Me, Parent Partnership Service
• Learning Support Team
• Autism Team
• Behaviour Support Service

Health Provision that can be accessed through school:
• SALT (Speech & Language Therapy Service)
• School Nurses
• Occupational Therapy
• Physiotherapy
• Continence Team

How will staff support my child when joining Bluecoat Primary Academy or transferring to a new school?
We recognise that transitions can be a challenging time for children with SEND and we take steps to ensure that any transition is as smooth as possible.

All children with SEND are highlighted during transition periods. Arrangements will depend on the type and complexity of their needs. We liaise closely with the Early Years Special Educational Needs Team to identify children who will join our school. We make visits to the Early Years settings when appropriate and carry out home visits. When any child joins our school, at whatever age, we use the records from their previous setting and our own initial assessments to determine the most appropriate level of support and targets.

When children leave our school to transfer to secondary school we liaise with a contact teacher to ensure all information regarding difficulties and support is passed on through discussion as well as through records. If a child moves to another school before Year 6 a telephone conversation as well as reports and records are communicated to the new school. Sometimes it is beneficial for the child to have a few sessions at their new school whilst staying with us so their transition is planned smoothly and for the benefit of the individual.

Where can I access further information?
Ask us:
National Association of SEN:
Department for Education:
Information on Nottingham City LA’s Local Offer can be found on the local authority’s website: Special Education Needs & Disabilities Local Offer | Ask Lion – Nottingham City Directory
Information on Nottinghamshire’s LA Local Offer can be found on the local authority’s website:

The SEND Local Offer is a resource which is designed to support children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their families. It describes the services and provision that are available both to those families in Nottingham that have an Education, Health and Care Plan and those who do not have a plan, but still experience some form of special educational need. The SEND Local Offer includes information about public services across education, health and social care, as well as those provided by the private, voluntary and community sector.

Who can I contact for further information or if I have concerns?
If you have any concerns around your child’s progress or attainment, then speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance as they will know your child the best.
The SENCo is Mrs M Ponty and can be contacted on the school’s main telephone number 0115 9007200.


Updated – Sept 2024
Date of next review – Sept 2025

Local Offer

The SEND Local Offer is a resource which is designed to support children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their families. It describes the services and provision that are available both to those families in Nottingham that have an Education, Health and Care Plan and those who do not have a plan, but still experience some form of special educational need. The SEND Local Offer includes information about public services across education, health and social care, as well as those provided by the private, voluntary and community sectors.

Information on Nottingham LA’s Local Offer can be found on the local authority’s website:

Information on Nottinghamshire’s LA Local Offer can be found on the local authority’s website:

You can also find additional support information on the websites below:

National Association of SEN:

Department for Education:

Information, Advice and Support Services Network – – guidance and impartial information, advice and support.

ASD – Focus Provision

Bluecoat Primary Academy works closely with Nottingham City council to support a prescribed number of students with ASD to re-engage with an inclusive mainstream education.  Our aim is to support these students so they can receive their education alongside class peers. Additional support comes from the teacher in charge of the Focus Provision, and Teaching Assistants. Applications for a place comes through specialist support workers from the Nottingham City Council educational services. 

Contact Us

Bluecoat Academy Primary
Harvey Road

Tel: 0115 900 7200

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Bluecoat Primary Academy