Learning & Curriculum

Art Curriculum

Why do we teach Art?

As the 21st century world becomes increasingly more uncertain it has never been more important to provide an art curriculum that supports the development of the whole child. The teaching of the visual arts enables our children to develop their aesthetic senses and provides them with the skills required to interpret and infer meaning from visual images, which are essential to navigate in a visually orientated world.

Our arts curriculum supports children in developing a visual language and the understanding that we can communicate and express our thoughts and ideas in a variety of ways. Children are able to develop their cultural understanding and learn about controversial issues that affect society when learning about the work of significant artists. This is important as it enables our children to develop their empathy skills and an awareness of others.

Ultimately, our arts curriculum aims to develop active citizens who are able to discover and identify their own voice; who are confident to make a comment and give and opinion; whilst developing their creative thinking, resilience, resistance and problem solving skills which are needed to thrive in a modern world.

How do we teach Art?

At Bluecoat Primary we aim to provide an arts curriculum whereby children can grow to discover and develop their own individual talents. Lessons are focused on developing children’s creativity by experimenting and engaging with the technical processes associated with the visual arts (drawing, painting, printing, form and pattern). By engaging with these, children become proficient in the skills and will be confident when applying these to their own work. Children follow an enquiry based approach to explore their ideas and are encouraged to express their thoughts, feelings and emotions in a variety of ways. Our curriculum provides the opportunities for children to know about great artists and craft makers whilst also developing their evaluative and analysis skills. This supports our children in becoming articulate and confident to express their thoughts and feelings.

What do we teach in Art?

To ensure that our children are receiving a broad and balanced curriculum in Art, the content they cover develops in a spiral nature, with children revisiting key themes in greater depth in subsequent school years and being introduced to new themes as they progress through school.

Click on the image above to be taken to our Curriculum Progression Document page. Here, you will find the Art Curriculum Progression Document which outlines the progression of content taught throughout each year group.

Art in Action.

Take a look below at some of the things that we have been getting up to in Art over the last half term.

For further information regarding our Art curriculum, please contact our Art Subject Leaders, Mrs Hay and Mrs Nye. 

Contact Us

Bluecoat Academy Primary
Harvey Road

E-mail: primary@bluecoat.uk.com
Tel: 0115 900 7200

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Bluecoat Primary Academy