Learning & Curriculum


Bluecoat Primary Academy Homework Offer

At Bluecoat Primary Academy, we want to ensure that our children develop automaticity and fluency within the fundamental sub skills in mathematics, reading and writing. This is why our homework offer prioritises children developing the core skills of handwriting, reading, number fluency and times tables.

For each phase in our school, we provide a homework offer that enables the children to develop fluency and become automatic in spellings, letter formation, word reading and number fact recall. Below outlines our Bluecoat Primary Academy homework offer for each phase:

Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception)

  • Read their reading book 3 times a week to an adult
  • Play NumBots for 5 mins a day or 25 mins a week

Key Stage One (Year 1 & Year 2)

  • Read their reading book 3 times a week to an adult
  • Play NumBots for 5 mins a day or 25 mins a week
  • Play 1 Minute maths app for 5 mins a day.

Lower Key Stage Two (Years 3 & 4)

  • Read their reading book 3 times a week to an adult
  • Play TTS Rockstarts or NumBots for 5 mins a day or 25 mins a week
  • Practice weekly spellings once a week

Upper Key Stage Two (Year 5)

  • Read their reading book 3 times a week to an adult
  • Play TTS Rockstars for 5 mins a day or 25 mins a week
  • Practice weekly spellings once a week
  • Complete Maths or Reading Activity every week stuck inside homework excises book.

Upper Key Stage Two (Year 6)

  • Read their reading book 3 times a week to an adult
  • Practice weekly spellings once a week
  • Complete Rising Stars SATs Revision Book: Every week: 2 pages for Maths. 2 pages Grammar, Spellings and Punctuation and 1 page for Reading.
  • Continue practicing on TTS Rockstars

Please find below further information related to each area of our homework offer:

Reading at home 3 times a week

Children are provided with a reading book at their reading ability level and a reading for pleasure book each week. Every week your child’s class teacher will check reading diaries. Children who have read 3 or more times will receive dojos or gold stamps. This will be added to an overal prize draw. If teachers notice that reading is not happening 3 times a week at home, they approach you and talk to you about how best to support you with this.

TTS Rockstars or NumBots

Spend at least 5 minutes playing TTRS or NumBots. This is an online maths game to help children’s fluency in maths. The app can be downloaded from the app store for free, or you can play online using the log in in your child’s reading diary. Children in Year 4 will be tested on their times tables knowledge in the summer term. TTRS has a ‘Sound Check’ function that mimics this test. The more pupils practice, the more confidence they will have going into these tests. If your child’s Class Teacher notices that your child is not playing on NumBots or TTRS they will contact, you to see how we can support you further with this.

Spellings (KS2 Only)

Children will learn a new spelling pattern each week at school. They will practice this daily as part of their English offer. Each week, new spellings will be sent home in pupil’s reading diaries. Children are expected to practice these at home at least once. They will be tested on these spellings in school. Children should also practice using their cursive handwriting style taught in school. If your child’s Class Teacher notices that your child is not practicing spellings at home, they will contact, you to see how we can support you further with this.

Homework Book (Year 5 only)

Every week, children in Year 5 will be set a piece of maths homework OR reading homework. They will bring this home in their bags. Children will have from Friday to the following Tuesday to complete this piece of work. All homework books must be handed in to the Class Teacher on Tuesday morning. Any children who have not completed their homework, will be asked to complete this during their break time.  If your child’s repeatedly does not complete their homework, your child’s Class Teacher will contact you to discuss how we can support you and your child further with this.

Rising Stars SATS Revision Books (Year 6 Only)

Every week, children in Year 6 will be set a piece of homework to complete in their Rising Stars SATs Revision Books. Children in Year 6 are expected to complete two pages inside their maths rising stars book, two pages inside their grammar, spellings and punctuation rising stars book and one page of reading homework inside their rising stars book. Any children who have not completed their homework, will be asked to complete this during their break time.  If your child’s repeatedly does not complete their homework, your child’s Class Teacher will contact you to discuss how we can support you and your child further with this.

Login credentials for TTS Rockstars, Seesaw and NumBots are stuck in your child’s reading diary.

https://numbots.com/ and Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (ttrockstars.com)

 We hope this brings clarity on our homework offer expectation at Bluecoat Primary Academy. If you have any further questions relating to homework, please contact your child’s class teacher or Phase Leader.

Contact Us

Bluecoat Academy Primary
Harvey Road

E-mail: primary@bluecoat.uk.com
Tel: 0115 900 7200

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Bluecoat Primary Academy